Hi guys,
I’m happily wonderfully exhausted to report some grrrrreat news (think Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes deliciousness)
This week, we shot my very first MUSIC VIDEO!!!
There were 30 girls in it…which was crazy and amazing!
Brief recaps…we shot on Tuesday in South Street Seaport, in New York City, down down town, baby, by the water, for the 1st scene of “Waste My Breath”. Here, I catch my dirty cheating lover, a handsome young lad named Charlie, with the other woman, and I work myself up into a smouldering, fiery rage when I confront him.
On Wednesday, we shot in Soho in NYC, on Prince and Greene street, where my sexy red high-heeled shoes got caught in between cobblestone during filming a take, and I took a slow-mo “ohmygod she’s going down for the count” fall, during a take as I walked backwards quickly! (No wonder my mother wanted to eagerly sign me up for ballet). But otherwise, there were 30 wonderful, beautiful girls, who were filmed lip-synching the lyrics of the song…damn they were good!
We filmed EVERYTHING…including a gang of junior high school kids mobbing me during filming to get my autographs, even though they honestly had no idea who I was. It was pretty hilarious, as I was signing their ripped looseleaf paper school binders.
Anyhow, I think Arnaud, the director, said the video will be premiering in December, 2008 on a big screen in New York…and I will post it on myspace and youtube the day it premieres!